Tuesday, 14 December 2010

In order to hopfully boost the grade of my abysmal blog, I am going to go over a few of the past lectures, with some additional points I either rendered unnecessary, or could not be arsed to include.

One lecture/seminar that particularly interested me, was the number on violence within the media. Im pretty sure that the most heinous things done to others ect. are done by people in 'real life' not people in films ect. However, when you hear cases like that of Jamie Bulger, you do begin to wonder... I didn't know too much about the Columbine massacre untill today, and it was fairly worrying to hear how obsessed the perpetrators were with the game 'Doom.' Your average people however, do not go out and murder countless innocent people due to an obsession. Its deffinitely too much for me to say how resposible video games were to the loss of these lives, but these were two very obviously sick people.
It's similar to soaps fasing out recreational drinking and smoking because it will normalise it and even glamourise it. This is simply ridiculous.

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