Tuesday 14 December 2010


We're going to take it back a few pegs and do some patch up work for all the inadequate and missing posts of this wonderful blog.

First I shall begin with what I can remember of Bills most recent installment of enlightenment...I vaguely recall that it was themed what I will vaguely refer to as the history of animation/progression of animation technology/east animation versus west.

I've never been a particular fan of oversized heads, enormous mouths and legs eleven. I strongly dislike anime. Very Strongly. The storylines may be interesting, however the graphics leave alot to be desired and I think the surreality in older cartoons, is superior.

Betty Boop creeps me out. Whats with the large head?

Bill finished off by traumatising us all with a clip from Bambi. I've never really paid too much attention to the aesthetics of these films, but thought it would be interesting were the graphics done entirely in the style the background is created in.

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